01 September 2013

Wake Up Call: He Has Choices Too

Mister hasn't been very happy with me lately. As his health improves and he continues to recover from his surgeries, he has wanted more from me than I have been willing to give. Frankly, it was a nice break to have the sexual tension and pressure relieved for a while. So, the second night that he tried to get something going in the bedroom and I hesitated, he shocked me with this little gem:

"You know, if you don't start showing some interest in me, then I'm leaving."

Wow. All of the time that I have spent agonizing over the decision to go or to stay ... no where in all of the weighing of options had I even once considered that Mister would leave me. I was shocked at the thought of it. But, we all have choices. 

And that's okay.

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